In 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany, Jews were living in practically every country of Europe. A total of approximately nine million Jews lived in the twenty-one countries that were later occupied by Germany during World War II. The largest Jewish populations were concentrated in Eastern Europe, including Poland, the Soviet Union, Hungary, and Romania. They spoke their own language, Yiddish, which is a combination of German and Hebrew. Yiddish theatre, literature and film were highly developed.
In the early part of the 20th Century, anti-semitism, leading to pogroms in Russia, was the cause for the emigration of a large number of Jews from Eastern Europe. Later the rise of National Socialism in Germany caused many Jews to flee Europe. Most fled for the safety of the United States. Those who survived the Holocaust that was to follow were repatriated in countries all over the world.
This project is to remember and rejoice in the roots of a culture that has all but been lost and to recognise a large number of international Jewish artists who had their roots in pre war Europe, either as first or second generation. The images used are taken from photographs of pre-war Europe by Roman Vishniac and Alter Kacyzne.